International Certifications
Fruticola Grapeland S.A. is certified by; Global Gap, FSMA, Grasp
Frutícola Grapeland, since its foundation has exported through exporters and directly. Currently, its production is exported directly by at least 80%, obtaining very good value due to the high qualities of the grapes it produces.
Frutícola Grapeland S.A. exports its production directly to the final market. Our products are marketed through receivers in the destination markets and in some cases directly to Supermarkets. However, the contracts are closed once the season is over, thus achieving better prices.
Fruticola Grapeland S.A. is certified by; Global Gap, FSMA, Grasp
Modern Weather Station Watchdog Spectrum brand
Frutícola Grapeland S.A. acquires Irrigation System imported from Spain
Located in the Province of San Felipe, Aconcagua Valley