

01 Ago 2016

El descenso infernal de Downhill El realizador chileno Patricio Valladares ya nos había visitado el pasado mes de marzo de la mano del mítico Robert Englund en lapreview de ‘Nightworld’. Hoy regresa a esta ominosa morada con su nueva película ‘Downhill’, un film que podrá verse en España gracias al “Festival de Cine de Terror de Molins de Rei”, cuya 35ª edición se celebrará del 11 al 20 de noviembre....


01 Ago 2016

The traditional logic is that an action movie is only as good as its villain. This is especially true in the case of an action movie in which the hero is little more than the strong, silent type. The protagonist of "Redeemer" is just such a type. At one point, a character notes that he hasn't heard the hero say more than 10 words the entire time that he's known him, which, admittedly, has only been a couple of days at that point. It's still an accurate observation, though Seguir...